Sleep Apnea Appliances

Sleep apnea appliances prevent your airway from closing so you can breath continuously all night without those interruptions. Sleep better and feel more rested!

What Is Sleep Apnea?

sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is where you have pauses in breathing while you sleep. Those pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes and may occur as often as 30 times or more an hour. Normal breathing then starts again with a loud snort or choking sound.

This cycle occurs all night and causes you to move out of deep sleep and into light sleep. As a result, the quality of sleep is poor and makes you tired throughout the day – even if you think you’ve slept all night. This can also increase your risk of heart attack and strokes and is link with your overall health.

If you already have been diagnosed or know that you have sleep apnea, you may be wearing a CPAP machine. Most people cannot tolerate this long-term. The good news is a CPAP isn’t the only way to treat sleep apnea.

A custom-made sleep apnea device repositions your lower jaw while you sleep. It prevents your airway from closing so you can breath continuously all night without those interruptions. It can actually save lives but also helps you sleep better and feel more rested!

If you haven’t been diagnosed yet, a sleep study in your own home can be done to determine your status. We work with sleep physicians to determine what’s best for you and what your options are.

If an oral appliance is selected, we take impressions and have a custom appliance fabricated. Since this is treating a medical condition, we can work with your medical insurance to help cover part or even all of the cost.

But wait, there’s more!
